Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bonkers were my freaking favorite!

So,  if you don't know what Bonkers are let me educate you.  Bonkers were literally the most delicious fruit flavored candy mankind has ever eaten.  Do you like Starbursts?  What about Mambas?  Or Now and Laters?  All irrelevant!  None compare.   Those other soft chews are mere mockeries of the flavors that were once embodied in my beloved Bonkers.  If you are in your mid-twenties like me, I want you to tap into your childhood and remember the cooky Bonkers commercials.  They even looked fantastic on the television screen.  Mmmmm, is salivating right now wrong?  NooPE.  If loving them is wrong I don't want to be right (thank you Luther Ingram for that treasure).  I remember when Bonkers started to fade away and less and less stores stocked these little gems.  It was utterly devastating riding around from gas station to gas station only to look on the candy aisle and find only the aforementioned runner up chews.  Sigh,  I'm not quite sure I've healed from these childhood candy infused wounds.  I may never.

P.S.  After reading this, my very first blog post, I discovered that I just might be bonkers myself.  I guess that's why such a beautiful relationship with Bonkers was forged over 20 years ago.

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